The Katsura Villa or the Katsura Imperial Villa is situated in the West-Kyoto in Japan. Here one can get a large scale of cultural treasures beside the beauties. Accordingly, it is highest rated by visitors as the masterpiece for its gardening, its structural views in the Japanese style and also for its Caribbean style living atmospheres from the ancient Heian period.
Overlooking the Little Dix Bay peninsula in the Caribbean Sea. This 23,500-square-foot home perched on a hillside on Virgin Gorda named “Villa Katsura” after the original bearing the name of the Imperial Villa located in the suburbs of Kyoto, the compound has pavilions built in a style that could be deemed Japanese, though there’s a light sprinkling of Caribbean influence as well.
Not to mention, the $40 million dollar villa which took seven years for completion. The geographical landmarks are so charming that it accelerates the tourism view. The Villa Katsura is beyond the Caribbean Sea and the Little Dix Bay Peninsula.
The house consists of well-decorated living rooms, kitchens, guest bedrooms and also a big terrace which is also consisted of a heated swimming pool and fire pits. Moreover, there are small wooden made bridges for the feeling of pure pleasure.
The artificial pools are decorated as natural style. If anyone is taking a shower in the pool, he may be in the confusion that if the pool and the consisting natural atmospheres are natural or artificial. Moreover, well-maintained gardening helps you to enjoy your leisure. There are the waterfalls, private yards, winding stone pathways, including a rock garden. Furthermore, we can get the 3 acres of garden around the villa.
Consequently, The Japanese designer, Hoichi Kurisu had designed the best beauties to make this villa so that it can get the highest rating from tourism. In brief, one can get there, the experiences of hotel living with natural beauties, sanded beaches with the sea, warmness of the log fire, walking through stone made pavements and also a variety of flowers and shade of tree bid one to come here again. So, if you visit, Japan must not miss visiting this villa.